Understanding the Constitution: the 14th Amendment: Part I
- November 15, 2021
Senator Betty Boyd, a democrat member of the State, Veterans, and Military Affairs Committee, was not present in the committee hearing for any of the testimony either for or against HB 1172, the carbon tax repeal. Yet she knew exactly how to vote — against electricity ratepayers, against the environment, and for Xcel Energy. According
READ MOREColorado’s Proposition 103 will raise state taxes $532 million in the first year and about $2.9 billion in the first five years. It proposes to raise the income tax rate on individuals and families, as well as small businesses, and simultaneously to raise the state sales tax rate. Proposition 103 is the only state issue on this fall’s ballot.
READ MOREWith the Proposition 103 tax increase heavily defeated this November, what comes next for Coloradans for low taxes and limited government? Senior fellow Penn Pfiffner was a guest on The Tax Foundation’s podcast show recently to discuss Prop 103’s resounding defeat, the nature of our state budget, government’s role in our lives, and the ongoing
READ MORESame story. Different day. Yesterday in Senate State Affairs, democrats Rollie Heath, Bob Bacon and Betty Boyd voted with Xcel Energy and killed two pro-consumer pieces of legislation. Republican members Bill Cadman and Kevin Grantham sided with ratepayers. Most interesting, Senator Lois Tochtrop (D-Adams County) couldn’t get any support from her own party for SB 236
READ MOREThis is an update to our last post explaining how Xcel Energy has its way with the General Assembly. Xcel’s lobbying firm 5280 Strategies just updated the utility monopoly’s position on three bills mentioned in the previous post. Those positions were not available until after I published my piece yesterday. While I could have guessed
READ MOREIn State Senator Scott Renfroe’s closing remarks to the State, Veterans and Military Affairs committee, he reasonably questioned members while asking for support of their support for SB11-058: “What’s wrong with striving to have our energy sources be the least cost?” Apparently everything. The committee defeated Renfroe’s “Electric Utilities Employ Least-Cost Planning for New Resource Acquisition”