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  • A New Triumph for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (and for II's Dave Kopel)0

    • February 14, 2014

    A federal court of appeals has just vindicated the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms in a big way. And II’s own Dave Kopel was largely responsible. California denied citizens the right to carry firearms outside their homes, unless they obtained a concealed weapons permit. But to get such a permit, citizens had

  • Can Treaties Override the Constitution? An Issue Posed By Bond v. United States0

    • November 10, 2013

    One of the most common questions posed to me when I discuss the Constitution on talk radio is “Can a treaty override the Constitution?” The question has arisen particularly in view of the pending Supreme Court case of Bond v. United States. In that case, Congress is claiming a power under the Treaty Clause that

  • Protecting People Against "Gun Control"0

    • March 27, 2013

    My recent address in Grand Junction on the Colorado gun control laws has received widespread notice. This is particularly so of the part pointing out that the same arguments used by the legislative majority for gun control could be used to restrict other constitutional rights, such as free speech and sexual choice. I’ve reproduced the