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  • Kansas pushes back against EPA Clean Power Plan, changes state renewables mandate to voluntary0

    • June 11, 2015

    Unlike Colorado’s failed attempt to provide state oversight to proposed Environmental Protection Agency’s “Clean Power Plan” regulations, Kansas’ legislature has passed requirements for any CPP state implementation plan, including no plan at all, should it conflict with ongoing litigation against the EPA’s power to bring forth the CPP: Kansas governor Sam Brownback (R) signed a

  • In 2011, the New Energy Economy Will Cost Coloradans…0

    • March 11, 2011

    For all the ink that Colorado’s public officials have spilled on the subject of the New Energy Economy, there’s been little discussion of its cost. Ex-Governor Bill Ritter, for example, recently took to the pages of the New York Times to brag about his energy legacy. While he made an unsubstantiated claim about creating “thousands

  • Primer on Colorado’s Solar Mess0

    • March 1, 2011

    On February 16, Xcel filed a request with the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) to reduce its Solar*Rewards payment, a subsidy for on-site solar photovoltaic installations, from $2.35/watt installed electricity generating capacity, to $1.25/watt. The next day, Xcel suspended the program, pending the PUC’s decision on its request. Last Friday, solar industry supporters descended on the