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  • Cadmium in CO: useful and highly toxic0

    • February 15, 2013

    Cadmium 101 By Syndi Nettles Anderson, guest writer for the Independence Institute Energy Policy Center Earlier this week Todd Shepherd of Complete Colorado reported that before thin-filmed cadmium-telluride solar panel manufacturer Abound Solar declared bankruptcy it was the subject of a Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) investigation after an anonymous tip raised

  • SB 178: sordid tale to increase renewable mandate0

    • April 28, 2012

    “One hundred nine days into a 120-day session you introduced major [energy policy] legislation,” Senator Steve King (R-Grand Junction) skeptically asked of SB 178 sponsor Senator Angela Giron (D-Pueblo). Sen. King’s skepticism is justified because SB 178 is a significant policy change that increases Colorado’s renewable energy mandate by 20 percent.  Because renewable energy is

  • Obama and China: best friends 4 ever0

    • February 6, 2012

    This column appeared originally on Townhall Finance. Obama is China’s best friend By Amy Oliver Cooke and Michael Sandoval When it comes China, President Barack Obama’s State of the Union Speech last month was nothing more than a rhetorical exercise from the political pied piper, who, along with his supporters, believes his own words magically

  • What being "green" says about you!0

    • December 18, 2011

    This may be the best column that Michael Sandoval and I have ever written. First, we use the Environmental Protection Agency’s own report to expose how “green” technology actually is polluting, not saving, the planet. Second, what does the need to be “green” say about those who advance an energy policy that makes no sense

  • Dispelling the Myth of "Clean" Green Energy0

    • December 9, 2011

    By Michael Sandoval Clean Water Action’s Gary Wockner plays the card in his Denver Post guest editorial that is usually intended to end any debate between advocates of renewable energy technology and those in favor of continuing the exploration of fossil fuel resources–“What are the environmental impacts?” Typically, readers are treated to some sort of