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  • Pick winner in the “Worst of ObamaCare” tournament at RealMarchMadness.org0

    • March 25, 2011

    [H]elp us determine which [part of ObamaCare is] most odious. Fill out the brackets below just as you would a basketball tournament bracket — choose which of the two “contestants” in each”game” you believe to be worse than its “competitor.” As you move through the brackets, you’ll eventually determine which of ObamaCare’s elements is the worst of all.

  • Colorado Health Insurance Exchange bound to be strangled by federal controls0

    • March 23, 2011

    “[A] fire hose of [federal] subsidies explains why it is far more likely that Obamacare will corrupt Utah[‘s exchange] than Utah will manage to redeem Obamacare,” writes John Graham. The same applies to Colorado.

  • Why ObamaCare is wrong for America0

    • March 22, 2011

    The first in-depth examination of the impact of the new national health care law on American individuals, families, and businesses. Written by an esteemed quartet of health policy experts, Why ObamaCare Is Wrong for America demystifies the convoluted plan that the Obama administration and a Democratic Congress pushed through, exploring its effect on real people.