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  • Health Care and the Separation of Charity and State0

    • April 8, 2011

    “If a patient needs a $50,000 operation but cannot afford it, he has the right to ask his friends, family, neighbors, or strangers for monetary assistance—& they have the right to offer it (or not). But the patient has no right to take people’s money without their permission; to do so would be to violate their rights.” – Paul Hsieh, M.D.

  • Paul Ryan’s Budget: A Huge Opportunity to Improve Health Care0

    • April 7, 2011

    Rep. Paul Ryan’s “budget blueprint that tackles the three big health care challenges facing the federal budget — ObamaCare, Medicare and Medicaid – with a strategy of repeal, vouchers and block grants. Done properly, those steps would simultaneously improve health care and help balance the budget within a decade.”

  • Why States Are Shying Away From ObamaCare’s Health Insurance Exchanges0

    • April 6, 2011

    State legislators who oppose [ObamaCare] might nonetheless be tempted to try building and running the exchanges themselves. But there are a number of reasons why governors in that position might want to sit out the implementation process.