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  • Will ObamaCare produce cascade of insolvent Colorado insurers?0

    • July 18, 2011

    ObamaCare threatens the solvency of private health plans, which will significantly reduce consumer choice and increase costs. …[In] Colorado, where one large health plan has already announced plans to leave the state, Graham’s analysis demonstrates a “cascade” of insolvency, whereby only five of the ten largest plans in 2009 will be operating in 2017.

  • “Accountable Care Organizations”: The Coming Collectivization of American Health Care0

    • July 12, 2011

    In the 1930s, the USSR forced independent farmers into large state-run collective farms. … these collective farms could not feed the country. … Unfortunately, the United States is about to make the same mistake in health care by collectivizing doctors and hospitals into government-supervised accountable care organizations (ACOs).

  • Is the Colorado Health Benefits exchange built to fail?0

    • July 6, 2011

    Last week Governor Hickenlooper’s office announced the members of the Colorado Health Benefits Exchange Board. Paul Howard and Stephen T. Parente write why such exchanges are built to fail. Because of a “litany of new minimum-insurance requirements and regulations … health insurance purchased through an exchange will likely end up more expensive than it is now.”