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  • Obamacare threatens solvency of Colorado health plans0

    • August 3, 2011

    The notion that politicians can control health costs is a conceit of the ruling class. Health costs will only decline when patients, not politicians, directly control more of our health spending. This cannot happen until President Obama’s health law is repealed. In the meantime, CO should reject politicized control of insurance premiums.

  • Debt ceiling: Budget Deal Doesn’t Cut Spending0

    • August 2, 2011

    “Rs & Ds have come together on a ‘historic’ budget deal that … [the] Washington Post’s lead story calls the cuts ‘sharp’ and ‘severe.’ However, the budget deal doesn’t cut federal spending at all. The ‘cuts’ in the deal are only cuts from the CBO ‘baseline,’ which is a Washington construct of ever-rising spending.” – Chris Edwards, Cato

  • Politically-controlled health benefits exchanges crowd out private exchanges0

    • July 27, 2011

    Government has no business running health benefits exchanges. They compete with private ventures. Politico reports: “To some observers, the growing interest in private health exchanges indicates that employers would be less likely to send their employees to the public exchanges to take advantage of public subsidies.”