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  • Xcel’s CEP, Comanche: Facts versus platitudes

    Xcel’s CEP, Comanche: Facts versus platitudes0

    • February 1, 2018

    MYTH: “In CO, energy from renewable energy projects w/ storage is cheaper than existing coal plants,” Conservation Colorado’s Pete Maysmith tweeted at me, citing a Vox column as his source. The column covered Xcel Energy’s “Colorado Energy Plan” (CEP) and renewable energy bids to replace 660 megawatts of coal-fired power from Comanche 1 and 2

  • Denver centric eco-left targets rural Colorado0

    • April 7, 2013

    Denver area eco-leftists have rural Colorado in their sights. In a September 2012 letter to state legislative candidates, Colorado Environmental Coalition Executive Director Elise Jones (now Boulder County Commissioner) and Colorado Conservation Voters Executive Director Pete Maysmith implied that dirty air in the Denver metro area may be the result of rural Colorado’s not having