The Biden Presidency: The Worst in History?
- December 24, 2024
For the last two and half years, the Independence Institute along with other free market energy policy advocates have pounded the drum of transparency and exposed the federal government’s infamous Department of Energy (DOE) loan guarantee program that rewarded the politically well-connected while costing taxpayers billions of dollars with high profile bankruptcies such as Solyndra
READ MOREJust as I finally learned what “Re<C” means, Google is abandoning its financially unsustainable project. The acronym stands for Renewable Energy Cheaper than Coal. No wonder I didn’t know what it meant. The equation is all wrong. Paul Chesser, an associate fellow for the National Legal and Policy Center, reports that Google came face to
READ MOREThe American Tradition Institute, where our own Amy Oliver Cooke is a media and investigative fellow, is suing the state of Colorado for its renewable energy mandate. (Check out Executive Director Paul Chesser’s interview on the Amy Oliver Show) Colorado voters approved a 10 percent renewable energy mandate in 2004. Since then the state legislature
READ MOREWe know they are costly but are renewable energy mandates such as Colorado’s 30 percent mandate unconstitutional as well? Yes according to the American Tradition Institute, which “filed a complaint in a U.S. district court that contends Colorado’s RES should be declared unconstitutional because they violate the Commerce Clause, which grants only Congress the authority to