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  • Addressing the Skills Gap: A Market-Based Approach for Colorado

    Addressing the Skills Gap: A Market-Based Approach for Colorado0

    • January 24, 2022

    Colorado has experienced a skilled labor shortage for years, but the COVID-19 pandemic further exposed the underlying problems in the workforce. The state has a high percentage of workers who are particularly vulnerable to forced closures compared with other states, yet those workers tend to lack the skills necessary to fill more secure, in-demand jobs

  • The Colorado Skills Gap: Underlying Causes

    The Colorado Skills Gap: Underlying Causes0

    • December 10, 2021

    This report identifies and explores possible grounds for, and consequences of, skills gaps in Colorado’s labor market. Imbalances between job openings and job applicants are neither new nor largely unique to Colorado. Every state examined in this report suffers longstanding labor supply/demand imbalances, including gaps between the skill requirements of high-paying jobs and the skills

  • Interview with Paul Prentice: Economic Impact COVID-19 Policies in Colorado

    Interview with Paul Prentice: Economic Impact COVID-19 Policies in Colorado0

    • November 24, 2021

    Paul Prentice, economist and Independence Institute senior fellow, sits down with Jon Caldara to discuss his study Unequal Opportunities, Unequal Outcomes: The COVID-19 Recession in Colorado. The study explores Colorado’s policy responses to the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic and social consequences of those policies for various populations across the state.   I don’t know