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  • Energy and Land-Use: Rural Communities Continue to Spurn Renewables

    Energy and Land-Use: Rural Communities Continue to Spurn Renewables0

    • October 14, 2022

    Robert Bryce has a great piece in RealClearEnergy today on the latest land-use conflicts roiling planned wind and solar buildouts across rural middle America. From the piece: The hype about wind and solar energy keeps colliding with the hard reality of land-use conflicts. Nowhere is that more obvious than in Ohio, where 41 townships have

  • New DOE Study Finds 5 Coal Plant Sites in Colorado That Could Convert to Nuclear

    New DOE Study Finds 5 Coal Plant Sites in Colorado That Could Convert to Nuclear0

    • September 13, 2022

    A brand new study released today from the Department of Energy (DOE) finds multiple locations in Colorado that could benefit from a coal-to-nuclear power transition. The study authors examined both operational and recently retired (within the last 10 years) coal plants across the country to screen for siting characteristics deemed favorable for a nuclear conversion.

  • Poll: Nuclear Energy Now Enjoys Broad Support Among the American Public

    Poll: Nuclear Energy Now Enjoys Broad Support Among the American Public0

    • September 9, 2022

    Soaring energy prices, geopolitical instability, and climate change—both itself, and misbegotten policy responses to it—have cast a new light on the need firm up the domestic production of clean and dependable energy. The realization has been stark among political leaders around the world, many of whom have been forced to reverse course on rash plans

  • What Not to Do: California Energy Policy Serves As a Warning to Colorado

    What Not to Do: California Energy Policy Serves As a Warning to Colorado0

    • August 31, 2022

    Just days after finalizing a future ban on the sale of gas-powered vehicles, the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) sent out a bulletin Tuesday afternoon warning that an expected heat wave posed serious threats to the reliability of the state’s electric grid. Starting tomorrow through Tuesday, California and the West are expecting extreme heat that

  • Environmentalists For… Higher Emissions?

    Environmentalists For… Higher Emissions?0

    • August 30, 2022

    A new bombshell report released today by the Breakthrough Institute details the lengths gone to by a prominent environmental group and a major renewables lobbyist to produce a bogus study in order to justify closing California’s last operating nuclear plant. Here’s an excerpt: Since PG&E negotiated an agreement with anti-nuclear environmental groups in 2016 to

  • Elon Musk Calls for Boost in Oil & Gas, Nuclear

    Elon Musk Calls for Boost in Oil & Gas, Nuclear0

    • August 29, 2022

    The founder and CEO of one of the world’s largest electric vehicle and battery companies wants us to “drill baby drill.” According to CNBC: The world must continue to extract oil and gas in order to sustain civilization, while also developing sustainable sources of energy, Tesla founder Elon Musk told reporters at a conference in Norway on