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  • Green Industrial Policy Faces Threats of its Own Creation

    Green Industrial Policy Faces Threats of its Own Creation0

    • November 27, 2023

    The early supply-side sugar high induced by a raft of clean energy-related subsidies is starting to show signs of wearing off. From electric vehicle makers to offshore wind developers, producers spurred along by the Biden administration’s ambitious green energy goals and lavish tax incentives have suddenly been forced to confront pesky market forces that have started to cool

  • The verdict is in: We do not have a “conservative Supreme Court”

    The verdict is in: We do not have a “conservative Supreme Court”0

    • July 1, 2019

    The Supreme Court term just over certainly confirmed what I wrote shortly after it started: The constant refrain that the current bench is a “conservative Supreme Court” with a “conservative majority” is flat wrong.

  • How the New York Times Misrepresents the Supreme Court

    How the New York Times Misrepresents the Supreme Court0

    • April 30, 2017

    A recent New York Times story, titled “A Polarized Supreme Court, Growing More So,” illustrates how left-of-center media distort perceptions of the U.S. Supreme Court. The story’s problems begin with the lead paragraph’s assertion that Justice Neil Gorsuch’s appointment is “a conservative replacing another conservative.” What the Times probably intended to say is that the

  • NY Governor scared of his eco-left flank0

    • January 9, 2013

    For the last four years, the state of New York has imposed a moratorium on hydraulic fracturing supposedly to give Governor Andrew Cuomo time to study the process before making a decision on whether or not to lift it. Four years seems like a long time to study a process that has been around for

  • A Response to Professor Seidman0

    • January 4, 2013

    Should we acknowledge that the U.S. Constitution is filled with “archaic, idiosyncratic and downright evil provisions,” and “extricat[e] ourselves from constitutional bondage” by cashiering the document? “As the nation teeters at the edge of fiscal chaos, observers are reaching the conclusion that the American system of government is broken,” argues Louis Michael Seidman, tasked with

  • Only job Ritter created was his own0

    • March 3, 2011

    In a recent New York Times editorial former Governor Bill Ritter reveals the magic formula for states with struggling economies – just “create” green jobs the way he did in Colorado! In reality, the only job he created was his own. Ritter starts by empathizing with other governors as they wrestle “with budget issues, making