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  • Sputtering Wind Energy Prompts Transmission Cost Concerns from Xcel0

    • May 28, 2014

    Growing transmission costs for wind-generated electricity have prompted Xcel Energy to seek approval for rate hikes to smaller utilities using Xcel’s transmission lines to reach their consumers: Xcel wants the utilities to pay for its costs associated with having supplies of reserve power ready to go in case the wind suddenly dies, said Terri Eaton,

  • Fried Birds: Green Energy Involves Tradeoffs Too0

    • February 17, 2014

    The Ivanpah solar plant went online last week, but the cost to wildlife–particularly birds–won’t be known for at least two more years. Reports that the giant solar thermal array featuring more than 300,000 reflective panels and steam-driven turbine towers have been “killing and singeing” birds by heating the air to around 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit near

  • January 23 Energy Roundup: Fracking Dishonesty; Interior Sec. Jewell Boots Press0

    • January 23, 2014

    Periodically, the Independence Institute’s Energy Policy Center will take a look at the good, the bad, and the ugly in energy stories from around the United States and abroad, and bring the best (and worst) of those stories to your attention. 1. Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell may have violated Colorado Open Meetings Law