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  • MAMA: Make America Mine Again

    MAMA: Make America Mine Again0

    • December 29, 2017

    Our national security and economic prosperity (including Colorado’s) depend on it After falling behind foreign regimes, the U.S. may begin to develop and mine its own deposits of a whole host of minerals vital to our national security and economic prosperity. In a December 20 executive order, President Trump directed federal agencies to develop a

  • Politicians should trust consumers to choose their own electricity provider

    Politicians should trust consumers to choose their own electricity provider0

    • July 20, 2017

    By Grant Mandigora Why should elected officials who won’t be office in 2040 dictate to Colorado ratepayers which energy source their electricity will come from? Democrat gubernatorial candidates Mike Johnston and Jared Polis have pledged that Colorado will generate 100 percent of its power from renewables by 2040, known as the ”100 by 40” plan.