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  • Taking a Look at This Year’s Colorado School Grades0

    • December 17, 2014

    December is an exciting month for me. For starters, I’ve got some cool presents coming my way next week. In the meantime, I’ve got plenty of fun education stuff to keep me busy. Earlier this month, I had the pleasure of highlighting some standouts among CDE’s annual award winners. This week, I have the honor […]

  • NCTQ Slaps Down Colorado on Teacher Preparation: Will We Ever Learn?0

    • December 12, 2014

    There’s nothing to be proud about narrowly avoiding failure. It makes me nervous just to think about how Colorado still teeters on the edge when it comes to the quality of our teacher preparation. We know how important the role of the classroom instructor is for helping students learn, so the latest release of the […]

  • Positive Movement in Jeffco: A Welcome Change0

    • November 20, 2014

    It’s Thursday, and that means it’s Jefferson County day for yours truly. Okay, I made the Thursday thing up just now, but we are indeed going to talk about Jeffco. Don’t suit up and brace yourselves for more negativity quite yet, though; today’s post will isn’t about teacher sick-outs, student protests, or an inexplicable disdain […]

  • News From the Mothership: USDOE’s Response to CO Testing Questions0

    • October 10, 2014

    A month ago, I put on my policy explorer cap and attended a Colorado State Board of Education meeting. At that meeting, a panel of CDE employees presented a whole bunch of information on testing in Colorado. More specifically, they went into some depth on the various aspects of local control as they relate to […]

  • Santa Visits Cole: Christmas Comes to Inspiring Denver Innovation School0

    • December 17, 2009

    Today’s Denver Post has an excellent story about a generous Christmas deed performed at a truly inspirational school:

    Millionaire businessman Tom Gamel stood before a classroom of sixth-graders at Cole Arts & Science Academy on Wednesday, about to blow their minds with a nifty gift, but first, he wanted to impart some wisdom.
    “I am a very […]