The Biden Presidency: The Worst in History?
- December 24, 2024
Yesterday, the Colorado Supreme Court heard arguments over Longmont’s fracking ban: On Wednesday, the state’s highest court will consider Longmont’s voter-approved ban on hydraulic fracturing within city limits. Longmont voters added the ban to the drilling method, also called fracking, to the City Charter in 2012, convinced that a city-negotiated set of regulations on oil
READ MOREYesterday, the Colorado Supreme Court heard arguments over Longmont’s fracking ban: On Wednesday, the state’s highest court will consider Longmont’s voter-approved ban on hydraulic fracturing within city limits. Longmont voters added the ban to the drilling method, also called fracking, to the City Charter in 2012, convinced that a city-negotiated set of regulations on oil
READ MOREEarly this year in The American Thinker and in this column I discussed state marijuana legalization and federalism. I cautioned against advocates of freedom and federalism forming alliances with the “progressive” left on those issues in which the left claimed to favor free choice. I pointed out that that for that bunch”free choice” is nearly
READ MORE“Progressives” often attack as indefensible proposals by some conservatives that states nullify federal laws those states deem unconstitutional. But “progressive” politicians now are engaged in a nullification campaign far more audacious and lawless than anything suggested by conservatives. The latest example is the decision by Virginia’s new attorney general, Mark Herring, to join the attack
READ MOREby Harris Kenny and Leonard Gilroy Last month Colorado voters resoundingly passed Amendment 64 into the state constitution, legalizing both recreational marijuana and industrial hemp. So far, realizing the will of the voters is on track, but implementation risks threaten to undermine the intentions behind Amendment 64. Policy makers are contending with thriving black markets