Understanding the Constitution: the 14th Amendment: Part I
- November 15, 2021
President Donald Trump and the Republican congress just gave us a large tax cut. But Colorado’s Republican-controlled state Senate had already taken it away. To comprehend how that’s possible, we need to understand the largest betrayal of Republican values in Colorado political history: the tax-hiking, debt-raising, TABOR-busting Senate Bill 267, sponsored by Republican state Sen.
READ MORERumors are swirling around the Capitol that corporate lobbyists are lining up in opposition to SB17-188, the repeal of the state income tax credit for “innovative vehicles.” It isn’t surprising. Whenever their place at the taxpayer trough is threatened, they squeal like a ____ (fill in the blank). We call SB17-188 “repeal and repair” because instead
READ MOREXcel Energy enjoys great success at the state Capitol. It seems that whatever Xcel wants legislatively, Xcel gets. Relief for ratepayers is met with opposition. According to the Secretary of State’s online lobbying information, through March 2011, the utility company has taken positions on 28 different bills this year: opposing 14, supporting 3 and “amending”