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  • The Supreme Court’s Same-Sex Marriage Non-Decision: Cowardly and Irresponsible0

    • October 13, 2014

    This article was first posted at cnsnews.com. The Supreme Court’s decision to reject all requests for review of lower-court homosexual marriage cases was cowardly and irresponsible. Certainly it is absurd to call this non-decision, as liberal commentator Cass Sunstein did, a manifestation of “the passive virtues.” There are two possible reasons for the Court’s avoidance.

  • Lessons For Federalism from Colorado’s Pot “Legalization”0

    • January 4, 2014

    (An earlier version of this post appeared on the website of The American Thinker.) It’s ironic that one of the few “states’ rights” battles won in recent times was Colorado’s decision to legalize marijuana in the teeth of federal laws to the contrary. Pot really isn’t legal in Colorado, of course. The federal government still