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  • O’Toole: Blame Urban Planners

    O’Toole: Blame Urban Planners0

    • April 5, 2016

    Blaming the highways for planners’ poor ideas is the same as blaming a two-by-four for an architect’s poor building design.

  • Getting Highway Numbers Right0

    • January 18, 2013

    “Gasoline taxes and tolls pay for only a third of state and local road spending,” claims a report released yesterday by the Tax Foundation, a supposedly independent, non-partisan group. “The rest was financed out of general revenues.” According to the group’s calculations, users paid just $49 billion of the $155 billion cost of roads in […]

  • Highway Cost Overruns0

    • December 14, 2011

    Numerous state highway programs have suffered cost overruns, say the Gannett papers (which include USA Today). What’s striking from the story, however, is how small and rare the cost overruns really are. The papers found overruns in 19 states, but they focused on projects that actually had overruns and did not reveal how many projects […]

  • The Washington Times Gets It Wrong0

    • March 28, 2011

    The Antiplanner generally appreciates the efforts of the Times, a fiscally conservative paper that tries to watchdog government agencies that waste tax dollars. But an editorial last Friday about highway user fees missed the point. The article was written in response to Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report on highway user fees. “The claim is that […]

  • Intercounty Connector Opens0

    • February 23, 2011

    Maryland’s Intercounty Connector opens for traffic today, either one day or 41 years late depending on how you count. The toll road connects Montgomery and Prince George County in the suburbs of Washington, DC, an area that has grown by more than 75 percent since the road was first planned in the 1960s. Click to […]

  • Superstreets Relieve Congestion0

    • January 13, 2011

    With many transportation planners have given up trying to relieve congestion or, worse, are trying to increase congestion in order to persuade people out of their automobiles. So it is refreshing to see some innovative ideas that will actually relieve congestion on the highways used for around 80 percent of our travel. One idea is […]