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  • Scathing PUC Chair dissent blasted economics of Demand-Side Management

    Scathing PUC Chair dissent blasted economics of Demand-Side Management0

    • April 30, 2017
    Supporters of so-called Demand-Side Management (DSM) say it’s an economic development tool. That’s not true. DSM is a misguided, harmful transfer payment from low income ratepayers with no choice to a preferred group of ratepayers, often commercial and industrial. No one makes this argument better than former Colorado PUC Chairman Ray Gifford, now a partner atREAD MORE
  • Legislative Update: hearing highlights, testimony, rent seeking, and reconsideration

    Legislative Update: hearing highlights, testimony, rent seeking, and reconsideration0

    • April 2, 2017

    SB17-188: “Repeal Income Tax Credit on Innovative Motor Vehicles,” or, as we like to call it the “repeal and repair” bill because money that would go to wealthy electric vehicle owners and corporations will instead be directed to roads and bridges. The bill passed out of Senate Finance on February 28 on a party line

  • Three bad House bills gives Senate GOP opportunity to stand up for ratepayers

    Three bad House bills gives Senate GOP opportunity to stand up for ratepayers0

    • March 29, 2017

    For the better part of a decade, Colorado energy policy has been a textbook case of state government selected winners and losers. Ratepayers and working families, at the mercy of Democrat controlled legislature and executive branch, have held the losing hand. While special interest environmental left groups such as Conservation Colorado, the Sierra Club, WildEarth