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  • Does Indiana Have a Lower Tolerance for Corruption than Colorado?0

    • December 23, 2010

    The Hoosier State is roiling over inappropriately cozy relationships between state regulators and the utility they oversee. It started when a top lawyer for the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission took a job with Duke Energy shortly after acting as a judge in a major rate-case before the utility. That got Governor Mitch Daniels’ attention. Then

  • HB 1365 Update: Don’t Be Shocked If Xcel Ditches the PUC’s HB 1365 Plan0

    • December 14, 2010

    Despite media reports to the contrary, HB 1365 isn’t settled It has been widely reported that the book closed on the Clean Air Clean Jobs Act last Thursday, when the PUC selected an implementation plan after almost four months of deliberations, but this is untrue. In fact, there’s another chapter of this story, and the

  • Regarding HB 1365, Here Are Two Numbers To Remember0

    • December 13, 2010

    $8 Doesn’t anyone remember the summer of 2008 when natural gas prices spiked to $8 dollar/mmbtu? Currently, coal supplies almost 70% of Xcel’s electricity portfolio; In 2018, thanks to the Clean Air Clean Jobs Act, coal will supply less than half, while natural gas’s share will increase to more than 40%. The upshot is that

  • The PUC Has Chosen a HB 1365 Plan…So What’s Next?0

    • December 10, 2010

    The PUC on Thursday decided on an implementation plan for the Clean Air Clean Jobs Act. Read about it here, here, and here. So what’s next? First, Xcel must decide if PUC’s chosen plan is acceptable. HB 1365 allows Xcel “to withdraw its application,” if it “disagrees with the Commission’s modifications to its proposed plan.”

  • Bad day for Colorado energy users0

    • December 9, 2010

    It’s a bad day for Colorado energy users, and that’s pretty much everyone.  The ethically-challenged Public Utilities Commission just gave a final thumbs up to Xcel’s fuel switching plan as mandated by HB 1365. (See all previous posts from my colleague William Yeatman) Losers in this deal include consumers who will see their utilities costs

  • Review of December 8 PUC Hearing on HB 1365: PUC Punts0

    • December 9, 2010

    The PUC decided almost nothing during four hours of deliberations yesterday. The two major issues discussed were cost recovery and what to do with the 352 megawatt Cherokee 4 coal fired power plant in Adams county. Regarding cost-recovery, the debate focused on timing. Xcel wants to be paid up front for the investments required to