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  • Polis Admin Unveils Latest Electric Vehicle Policy, Avoids California-Style Gas Vehicle Ban

    Polis Admin Unveils Latest Electric Vehicle Policy, Avoids California-Style Gas Vehicle Ban0

    • December 9, 2022

    The Polis administration appears to favor the carrot over the stick to encourage electric vehicle adoption. The administration on Thursday released its updated roadmap for encouraging the electrification of the state’s transportation sector, which includes a goal of “nearly 100% of light-duty vehicles being electric by 2050, 100% of medium- and heavy-duty vehicles being zero emissions,

  • Environmentalists For… Higher Emissions?

    Environmentalists For… Higher Emissions?0

    • August 30, 2022

    A new bombshell report released today by the Breakthrough Institute details the lengths gone to by a prominent environmental group and a major renewables lobbyist to produce a bogus study in order to justify closing California’s last operating nuclear plant. Here’s an excerpt: Since PG&E negotiated an agreement with anti-nuclear environmental groups in 2016 to