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  • Current Pain at the Pump of Preview of Potential Colorado Policy Future

    Current Pain at the Pump of Preview of Potential Colorado Policy Future0

    • February 22, 2023

    Gas prices are high. You probably don’t need me to tell you. It’s plainly obvious that prices at the pump have been steadily creeping up for weeks. But you might not be aware that prices in Colorado have experienced a meteoric rise far beyond what the rest of the country has been experiencing. In fact,

  • Politicos Pigging Out on the Cash You Pay for Gas0

    • December 8, 2013

    The Framers drafted the Constitution to grant Congress some powers to construct infrastructure. For example, the Commerce Clause, as originally understood, grants authority to construct facilities for navigation such as dockyards and ports—including, presumably, airports.  Authority to maintain the military enables Congress to fund military facilities. Article I, Section 1, Clause 8 empowers Congress to