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  • How Obamacare will decrease health care access for the poor0

    • September 19, 2011

    “ObamaCare, by lowering the money price of care for almost everybody while doing nothing to change supply, will intensify non-price rationing and may actually make access to care more difficult for those with the least financial resources.” – John Goodman Continue reading

  • Poverty, equality, and the free-market0

    • August 29, 2011

    “If left wing political theory is true, we should expect to see huge inequalities in the ownership of goods sold in the market, but fairly equal consumption in health care & education. But there’s the irony. The exact opposite of this prediction has been borne out!’

  • No equal access with Germany’s “universal” health care0

    • June 8, 2010

    Many people support government-controlled health care because they think it will provide everyone with equal access to medical treatment, regardless of their ability to pay. Ronald Bachman of the Georgia Public Policy Foundation recently visited Germany with other health care policy wonks from the U.S. to learn about the health care in Germany. He reports […]