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  • VIDEO: Go Inside the EPA with Myron Ebell

    VIDEO: Go Inside the EPA with Myron Ebell0

    • March 20, 2017

    Get inside President Trump’s EPA with transition team leader Myron Ebell and transition team member Amy Cooke. What will the EPA look like under President Donald Trump? What do these changes mean for Colorado? Watch the video below to find out!  

  • Caldara’s Newsletter 03-17-17

    Caldara’s Newsletter 03-17-170

    • March 17, 2017

    You might be reading this on your smartphone while stuck in traffic. How is that possible? The short answer is because the state refuses to prioritize transportation in the budget. Medicaid expansion, crony handouts to Hollywood film makers and Tesla owners, and building bike paths get funded instead. Still, Colorado’s governor and state legislature show

  • Dirty secret: EPA & CDPHE coercion, not collaboration, led to CO methane rules

    Dirty secret: EPA & CDPHE coercion, not collaboration, led to CO methane rules0

    • March 6, 2017

    Just as President Trump and new Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt begin dialing back Obama-era regulations, Governor John Hickenlooper is erroneously trying to paint Colorado’s “model” methane rules as some sort of industry-environmental Kumbaya.   A week ago Sunday on Meet the Press the Democrat and possible 2020 presidential campaign contender told host

  • Optimism for the EPA in the Age of Trump

    Optimism for the EPA in the Age of Trump0

    • February 28, 2017

    With the confirmation of former Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt to become the next head of the Environmental Protection Agency, President Trump is ready to make good on some of his campaign promises to roll back several of President Obama’s controversial, costly, and legally questionable regulations.

  • Caldara’s Newsletter 02-02-17 “She’s Back”

    Caldara’s Newsletter 02-02-17 “She’s Back”0

    • February 2, 2017

    Our esteemed Executive Vice President, Amy Oliver Cooke, has returned from the Trump star-chamber to bless us with her presence once again. With President Trump’s inauguration comes the end of her work on the EPA transition team. We’re all treating her with the deference she demands because she says she can get us all deported

  • EPA social media machine put on hold0

    • January 25, 2017

    This is the first presidential transition of complete social media saturation, and it should come as no surprise that the Trump Administration wants control of social media accounts from activist agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) where some staffers have threatened to undermine the new administration. According to an online media report, the