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  • The socialization of Colorado’s auto market

    The socialization of Colorado’s auto market0

    • February 4, 2019

    With the swipe of their pens, Governor John Hickenlooper started, and Governor Jared Polis is completing what is essentially the socialization of Colorado’s automobile market. Through two executive orders, the Governors have directed the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) and the Air Pollution Control Division (APCD) to follow California’s emissions standard that includes mandating

  • July 23 Colorado Energy Roundup: ‘Callous’ WildEarth Guardians tell Colorado miners–‘Tough Sh**’0

    • July 23, 2015

    The Department of the Interior refused to appeal a court ruling on the Colowyo Mine that could cost the jobs of 220 Colorado coal miners. This has added to the growing concerns of these miners and their families regarding the future of their livelihoods. WildEarth Guardians, who have been leading the campaign to close the