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  • Questions about Baker’s ability to serve on the PUC0

    • January 25, 2012

    Conventional wisdom in energy policy circles says that Governor John Hickenlooper will re-appoint current Public Utilities Commissioner Matt Baker to another four-year term on the PUC. His State Senate confirmation will be a mere formality, but it shouldn’t be. Serious questions linger about his lack of honesty regarding energy costs and his ability to be

  • Questions about Baker's ability to serve on the PUC0

    • January 25, 2012

    Conventional wisdom in energy policy circles says that Governor John Hickenlooper will re-appoint current Public Utilities Commissioner Matt Baker to another four-year term on the PUC. His State Senate confirmation will be a mere formality, but it shouldn’t be. Serious questions linger about his lack of honesty regarding energy costs and his ability to be

  • How Xcel Avoids the Rate Cap on Green Energy0

    • March 1, 2011

    The problem with “green” energy is that it costs more than conventional energy. We can all agree that a solar powered future would be great, but most of us also agree that we’re not willing to pay five to ten times what we pay now for energy in order to try to achieve that future.