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  • Change is in the Air — I’m Just Getting a Little Older, Though, Not Going Away0

    • November 20, 2015

    Maybe it’s because it’s the Friday before Thanksgiving, or maybe it’s because a couple of my really good Education Policy Center friends are picking up and moving to another state, but I’m not really keen on writing another long post today. Change is in the air — change that I didn’t wish for, and change […]

  • Yes, Election Night Happened, But Keep Your Chins Up, Colorado Reformers0

    • November 5, 2015

    Yeah, yeah, yeah, school board elections happened in Colorado this week. Ok, so I promised to give you a full report yesterday. But I got a little busy crying in my Cheerios with some important stuff to do. Do I really need to review what happened with the Teachers Union Empire Strikes Back? After all, […]

  • ‘Tis the Season for Wild and Woolly School Board Election Stories0

    • October 20, 2015

    There’s no season like school board election season. At least not in Colorado. Believe it or not, these are real stories. As my dad is fond of saying, “You can’t make this up.” Let’s start in Jeffco, where the Denver Post shattered to pieces the whole justification for a politically motivated recall election. A video […]

  • Granddaddy of KIPP Studies Shows More Success for Growing Charter Network0

    • September 18, 2015

    I can confess to you that something has made Eddie a little sad lately. That’s just the amount of crazy charter-bashing going on these days. Some of this craziness gets imported locally by reform opponents who twist themselves in knots to dance around their rage at the Jeffco and Thompson boards of education providing fair, […]

  • Binding Thread? Four-Day School Week Research & Denver’s Roots Elementary0

    • September 15, 2015

    Sometimes a little edublogger sees two small interesting stories to cover, and leaves it to insightful readers like you to figure out the connection. Today is one of those somewhat interesting occasions. Let’s start over at Education Week, where a recent post by Liana Heitin caught my attention. A newly published study of 15 rural […]

  • Of Successful Turnarounds, Heavy Hands, and Union Bargaining Power0

    • September 9, 2015

    It’s much better to have a light touch, rather than a heavy hand, from the state to exert efforts to improve schools. Colorado has its share of schools and districts in need of turnaround, with some serious options on the table (but delayed one year by a 2015 state law). Whenever possible, I always like […]