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  • More Constitutional Baby Babble—this time at Vanity Fair0

    • December 4, 2011

    Vanity Fair’s sophisticated approach to rescuing a drowning man is this: Lecture him about how we all need plenty of water. The tony mag’s new attack on the Tea Party is entitled “Debt and Dumb.” But the attack shows the authors and editors at VF to be the ones either deaf or dumb: Either deaf

  • Can the President Raise the Debt Limit Unilaterally? Hell no!0

    • July 27, 2011

    Some people are claiming that if Congress fails to raise the debt limit, the President can raise it himself unilaterally.  The claim is not only wrong, but far scarier for America’s future than a default would be. Typical of those arguing this way is Bruce Bartlett, the formerly conservative economist who in recent years has