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  • Curriculum Transparency: A Must for Effective Parent-Teacher Partnerships

    Curriculum Transparency: A Must for Effective Parent-Teacher Partnerships0

    • April 29, 2022

    Due to extended periods of virtual learning, heightened social tensions, and extensive media coverage of a variety of hot-button issues, parents have taken a keener interest in the business of their children’s education than at any other time in recent memory. Parents have demanded more access to information regarding which curricula schools adopt, which educational

  • Murrey: Democrat deal on Prop EE benefits big tobacco, squeezes small biz

    Murrey: Democrat deal on Prop EE benefits big tobacco, squeezes small biz0

    • January 28, 2021

    [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mX5Tx9PrHTA[/embedyt] The greatest friend of big business is big government. Thanks to apparent backroom dealings with Colorado Democrats, big tobacco and big government are poised to win big in Colorado with the passage of the state’s new cigarette, tobacco, and nicotine taxes. Small business and the poor come out the losers. Last week, The