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  • Are constitutional amendments coming?

    Are constitutional amendments coming?0

    • April 28, 2022

    Far from authorizing more federal power, amendments almost certainly will reduce federal prerogatives and edge us toward decentralization.

  • The 1889 St. Louis Convention of States

    The 1889 St. Louis Convention of States0

    • February 11, 2017

    A frequent argument against a convention for proposing constitutional amendments is that there are “no precedents” for determining the rules and procedures for such a gathering, other than the Constitutional Convention of 1787. Although opponents persist in this claim, it has long been debunked: The Constitutional Convention was far from the only meeting of its

  • Proposed Rules for An Article V Convention!0

    • August 14, 2015

    If 34 state legislatures forced Congress to call a convention for proposing amendments, what would the rules look like? The Convention of States movement (CoS) wanted an answer to this question. So its president asked me to take the lead in drafting sample rules. Then CoS would present them to state legislators for comment. This