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  • How Progressives Promoted the “Runaway Convention” Myth To Protect the “Warren Court’s” Judicial Activism

    How Progressives Promoted the “Runaway Convention” Myth To Protect the “Warren Court’s” Judicial Activism0

    • May 21, 2017

    You may have heard alarms that if we hold a national convention for proposing constitutional amendments the gathering would be an uncontrollable constitutional convention (“con-con”) that could propose anything at all. The claim is called the “runaway scenario.” It has almost no basis in history or law. But it has long frightened Americans away from

  • Yes, the Constitution was adopted legally

    Yes, the Constitution was adopted legally0

    • May 17, 2017

    An old myth has showed up in the media again: the myth that delegates to the 1787 Constitution Convention violated their trust—that they produced a new constitution although empowered only to propose amendments to the Articles of Confederation. Fortunately, the claim that the 1787 convention had no authority to propose a new constitution is pure

  • First National Convention of States in 150 Years!

    First National Convention of States in 150 Years!0

    • April 11, 2017

    Americans finally have a real chance to “clean up the mess in Washington.” That’s the implication of the news that the Arizona legislature has called the first national “convention of states” in over 150 years. The conclave will meet in Phoenix on September 12. Its purpose is to plan for a later convention to propose