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  • When They Start Throwing Black’s Law Dictionary at You—Duck!0

    • February 17, 2016

    If you are involved in politics, sooner or later someone will “prove” his point by quoting to you a line from Black’s Law Dictionary, Corpus Juris Secundum, or a similar source. He may tell you that these are “definitive” legal sources, not to be doubted. Whatever he’s selling, don’t buy it. These sources are not

  • More On Why Amendment Procedures Are Not Governed by the States’ Tenth Amendment Powers0

    • January 30, 2016

    A few groups pushing constitutional amendments are trying to convince state legislatures to adopt laws and interstate compacts that rely on state authority reserved by the Tenth Amendment. This is a serious mistake—one that likely will lead to defeat in the courts. In a recent article, I pointed out that the courts have held repeatedly

  • English Law and the Constitution0

    • January 21, 2016

    Credits: This article arose out of conversations with constitutional commentator Gary Porter. After I wrote my article on the meaning of the constitutional term “natural born,” some people asked me why the English version of that term applied rather than versions prevailing in other countries. The reason is that when the drafters of the original