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  • Simulation Shows What An Amendments Convention Would Be Like0

    • September 27, 2016

    This article was first published by CNSNews. How would an Article V “convention for proposing amendments” work? What would be its agenda? What about its procedures? How would voting be conducted? History and constitutional law provide the answer to most of those questions, but it also helps to have a specific modern example. That is

  • When We Amend the Constitution, Make Sure We Follow the U.S. Procedure, not the “Confederate States” Procedure0

    • September 19, 2016

    People who claim that states may, through state law, dictate the wording of amendments to the interstate “convention for proposing amendments” are not accurately representing the system laid out in Article V of the U.S. Constitution. Rather, they are unwittingly advocating a system similar to the one adopted by the defunct “Confederate States of America.”

  • Phyllis Schlafly, RIP0

    • September 6, 2016

    I extend my sincere condolences for the death of Phyllis Schlafly to her family and followers. Mrs. Schlafly could rise to greatness. Her book, A Choice Not An Echo, became a standard of the conservative movement. Her successful campaign against the poorly drafted “Equal Rights Amendment” was a classic instance of how a single individual