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  • Fake News: How Leading Liberal Newspapers Spread the “Runaway Convention” Story

    Fake News: How Leading Liberal Newspapers Spread the “Runaway Convention” Story0

    • June 11, 2017

    Although there were scattered antecedents, “runaway convention” claims and certain associated myths were first distributed widely during the 1960s and 1970s. In a previous Article V Information Center study, I documented how those stories were publicized by leading opinion-molders in the national liberal establishment. Their goal was to disable the Article V convention process to

  • The Convention of States in American History

    The Convention of States in American History0

    • June 1, 2017

    In this short essay, constitutional historian Rob Natelson thumbnails the three-centuries long history of “conventions of the states.” When delegations from the states assemble in Phoenix, Arizona later this year, they will be basking in a long and rich American tradition. As far back as 1677, British colonies in North America sent “commissioners” (delegates) to

  • Convention Rules for a Convention of the States

    Convention Rules for a Convention of the States0

    • May 28, 2017

    The convention of the states meeting in Phoenix, Arizona in September will need a set of rules. Moreover, that convention will be engaged in further rule-writing because the Arizona Legislature called it partly to suggest rules for a prospective Article V Convention for Proposing Amendments. I suggest the planners start with the Model Rules provided

  • How Progressives Promoted the “Runaway Convention” Myth To Protect the “Warren Court’s” Judicial Activism

    How Progressives Promoted the “Runaway Convention” Myth To Protect the “Warren Court’s” Judicial Activism0

    • May 21, 2017

    You may have heard alarms that if we hold a national convention for proposing constitutional amendments the gathering would be an uncontrollable constitutional convention (“con-con”) that could propose anything at all. The claim is called the “runaway scenario.” It has almost no basis in history or law. But it has long frightened Americans away from

  • Scalia Probably Favored An Amendments Convention — But Does It Matter?

    Scalia Probably Favored An Amendments Convention — But Does It Matter?0

    • April 12, 2017

    A majority of state legislatures have voted to trigger the U.S. Constitution’s most important procedure for reforming the federal government. This is the gathering that Article V of the Constitution calls “a convention for proposing amendments”—more popularly known as a “convention of states.” Advocates of a convention of states rely on a supportive statement made by the

  • First National Convention of States in 150 Years!

    First National Convention of States in 150 Years!0

    • April 11, 2017

    Americans finally have a real chance to “clean up the mess in Washington.” That’s the implication of the news that the Arizona legislature has called the first national “convention of states” in over 150 years. The conclave will meet in Phoenix on September 12. Its purpose is to plan for a later convention to propose