The Biden Presidency: The Worst in History?
- December 24, 2024
A new issue paper by Linda Gorman of the Independence Institute: “The Real Cost of ObamaCare: The End Of Reforms Promising Personal, Private, Portable, Affordable Health Care” Continue reading
READ MOREbamacare will spend more money, raise more tax revenue, and reduce the deficit less than the agency thought in 2010. And things could get worse Continue reading
READ MOREThe latest CBO report on ObamaCare’s costs is less misleading, as covers more years that include both tax revenue & spending, rather than just revenue. The result more clearly shows how it fleeces taxpayers.
READ MOREHow, then, does the ObamaCare health control law magically convert $1 trillion in new spending into painless deficit reduction? It’s all about budget gimmicks, deceptive accounting, and implausible assumptions used to create the false impression of fiscal discipline.
READ MOREProponents of the health control legislation, HR 3590, claimed it would reduce the federal deficit. First of all, this desirable if government cuts spending. In any case, Veronique de Rugy at the Mercatus Center shows that the health care bill’s deficit reduction is tiny:
The above chart by Mercatus Center senior research fellow, Veronique de Rugy […]