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  • The case for Jews packing heat in synagogue

    The case for Jews packing heat in synagogue0

    • November 5, 2018

    For me, Shabbat services at my synagogue have always been a time of restive contemplation. Time to do some healthy introspection, connect with my community, to be a part of something greater than myself. But lately I’ve been having other thoughts. I can’t recall a single Saturday morning service where I haven’t asked myself: What

  • A New Triumph for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (and for II's Dave Kopel)0

    • February 14, 2014

    A federal court of appeals has just vindicated the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms in a big way. And II’s own Dave Kopel was largely responsible. California denied citizens the right to carry firearms outside their homes, unless they obtained a concealed weapons permit. But to get such a permit, citizens had