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  • Statement by Rob Natelson on the “Compact for America’s” Latest Attack0

    • August 22, 2016

    The authors affiliated with the Compact for America (CFA) would have us believe that states may use their ordinary law-making power to reduce the Constitution’s extended five-step amendment procedure to two steps, and that the courts will meekly acquiesce. Common sense tells us that the courts are unlikely to do so. The conclusion of common

  • Report on the Constitutionality of the “Compact for America” Plan Expanded0

    • June 25, 2016

      The Article V Information Center has updated and expanded Rob Natelson’s report on the constitutionality of the “Compact for America” (CFA) plan to amend the Constitution. The original report found that the CFA plan suffered from serious constitutional defects, and that it was unlikely to survive judicial challenge. After it was issued, Rob received