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  • Time to put our money where our heart is: NPS fee increase is necessary

    Time to put our money where our heart is: NPS fee increase is necessary0

    • November 21, 2017

    By Amy Cooke with contributor Tyson Thornburg My love affair with Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP) has been personal and life-changing. Since the park’s creation in 1915, RMNP has been the premier example of Colorado’s natural beauty. Who could blame me or anyone else for treasuring it? It was the Bicentennial, summer 1976. From my 13-year-old

  • Moving toward educational savings accounts in Colorado

    Moving toward educational savings accounts in Colorado0

    • September 27, 2017

    Since 2011, five states have adopted some form of ESA program. The idea is now emerging in Colorado. Put simply, ESAs are designed to give parents the flexibility to “tailor” their children’s education to their specific needs by directly providing them with a certain amount of money that can be spent on a wide variety of education-related goods and services — books, materials and non-public school tuition, to name a few.

  • The Challenges of Opening a Charter School: Three Colorado Case Studies

    The Challenges of Opening a Charter School: Three Colorado Case Studies0

    • July 18, 2017

    The steady expansion of charter schools in Colorado has introduced these autonomous public schools to communities across the state. Yet significant misunderstandings about charter schools, their purpose, and the nature of their existence remain. Outside of education policy circles, few are aware of the diversity of charter schools, the wide variety of student populations they

  • State needs to remove barriers to hiring teachers in rural Colorado

    State needs to remove barriers to hiring teachers in rural Colorado0

    • April 12, 2017

    Colorado’s many rural school districts are made to follow the same licensure rules as their urban counterparts, even though the challenges facing these districts vary greatly. Licensure restrictions make it harder for rural districts to meet the needs of their students by forcing school and district leaders to stretch staff members too thin or leave positions unfilled.

  • Three bad House bills gives Senate GOP opportunity to stand up for ratepayers

    Three bad House bills gives Senate GOP opportunity to stand up for ratepayers0

    • March 29, 2017

    For the better part of a decade, Colorado energy policy has been a textbook case of state government selected winners and losers. Ratepayers and working families, at the mercy of Democrat controlled legislature and executive branch, have held the losing hand. While special interest environmental left groups such as Conservation Colorado, the Sierra Club, WildEarth

  • Dirty secret: EPA & CDPHE coercion, not collaboration, led to CO methane rules

    Dirty secret: EPA & CDPHE coercion, not collaboration, led to CO methane rules0

    • March 6, 2017

    Just as President Trump and new Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt begin dialing back Obama-era regulations, Governor John Hickenlooper is erroneously trying to paint Colorado’s “model” methane rules as some sort of industry-environmental Kumbaya.   A week ago Sunday on Meet the Press the Democrat and possible 2020 presidential campaign contender told host