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  • Amendment 69 “ColoradoCare” Resources

    Amendment 69 “ColoradoCare” Resources0

    • October 14, 2016

    Amendment 69 aka ColoradoCare Resources   Issue Backgrounder (PDF) and 7-point fact sheet by economist and Health Care Policy Center director Linda Gorman   Blog note: Will passing Amendment 69 lead to a doctor strike? by Linda Gorman.   Op-ed:  Amendment 69 and ColoradoCare: If you like your doctor, you may not get to keep

  • Amendment 69: ColoradoCare mimics existing single-payer disasters0

    • October 14, 2016

    by Sally C. Pipes The good people of Colorado must be smoking something these days. That’s the only explanation for the decision by 156,000 of the state’s more than 3 million registered voters to endorse a November ballot initiative that would create a statewide single-payer health care system. Patients in single-payer systems elsewhere must withstand

  • Amendment 69: Colorado can learn from Vermont’s failed experiment with single payer health care0

    • October 14, 2016

    by John McClaughry In November Colorado voters will decide the fate of Amendment 69. It proposes to create ColoradoCare, a bureaucracy to control all health care in the state. It would initially be funded by a 10 percent tax increase on all forms of income. Coloradans trying to decide how to vote on Amendment 69

  • Amendment 69 and ColoradoCare: It does raise income taxes by 10 percent0

    • October 14, 2016

    by Linda Gorman Judging from some comments on an earlier Complete Colorado column, at least some ColoradoCare supporters are confused about the Amendment 69 tax increases. They think that the Amendment raises payroll taxes but not income taxes. They are wrong. Section 9(3), part c, of Amendment 69 says that the Colorado Department of Revenue

  • Amendment 69: ColoradoCare will bring unnecessary suffering for patients0

    • October 14, 2016

    by Linda Gorman Amendment 69 will create ColoradoCare. Its supporters say that ColoradoCare will provide outstanding health for everyone for less. Premiums and deductibles will go away. Cede control over your health care, your liberty, and an additional 10 percent of your income to an unaccountable government monopoly health provider, in return you will get