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  • Amendment 63's Foes Only Want You for Your Body0

    • October 27, 2010

    by Brian Schwartz Should Colorado mandate that each car owner buy a comprehensive lifetime vehicle warranty? By the logic of a common argument against Colorado Amendment 63 and for mandatory medical insurance, the answer is “Yes.” Mandatory insurance treats your body as a means to political ends, rather than respecting your rights as an individual.

  • Colorado Amendment 63: Freedom Is Too "Haphazard" for Bell Policy Center0

    • October 6, 2010

    In a recent Denver Post op-ed, Bob Semro of the Bell Policy Center writes that Amendment 63 would “move Colorado to a less protected, more haphazard health care system where people pay directly for services rather than having health insurance.” What Bob Semro called “haphazard” is really personal freedom. The freedom to pay for medical

  • FDA on your DNA: “You can’t handle the truth!”0

    • July 19, 2010

    From Paul Hsieh:
    Recent advances in biotechnology have allowed private companies to offer affordable genetic testing directly to consumers, to help them determine their risks of developing problems such as diabetes, heart disease, and various forms of cancer. In response, the U.S. government has told these companies that their tests must be […]