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  • The Seductive Appeal of Value-Capture Finance0

    • February 8, 2012

    Today, the Antiplanner is in North Carolina, where transit agencies seem to be competing to plan the wackiest, most-expensive rail transit lines that few people will ever use. Right now, the leading contender must be Raleigh, which (according to a paper by UNC-Charlotte transport professor David Hartgen and transit accountant Tom Rubin) is planning a […]

  • Charlotte Light Rail a Big Flop0

    • July 7, 2010

    Let’s see: 100 percent cost overrun? Check. Anemic ridership? Check. Requires tax breaks, tax-increment financing, and other “public investments” to stimulate transit-oriented development? Check. Declared a great success by the transit agency desperate for tax increases to fund further rail projects? Check. Must be light rail. As Wikipedia points out, when planned in 2000, Charlotte’s […]