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  • The sexual harassment double standard

    The sexual harassment double standard0

    • October 13, 2017

    As with the Harvey Weinstein situation, could it be that politics causes a double standard on acceptance of sexual harassment?

    The left celebrates speaking truth to power. It oozes through the smugness of every late-night TV comic and Hollywood actor turned activist. But it’s hard not to notice the power they speak to almost always seems to be on the right. Those on the left get protected.

  • Ranking the Presidents Using CONSTITUTIONAL Factors Rather than Liberal Politics

    Ranking the Presidents Using CONSTITUTIONAL Factors Rather than Liberal Politics0

    • May 4, 2016

    This article was first published by CNSNews. In an earlier post, I pointed out that the usual academic rankings of presidents are flawed. They are flawed because they rely on criteria not in the Constitution’s job description for the president. As a result, academic rankings consistently overrate liberal activist presidents and underrate those who conscientiously