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  • David Schnare: We’re putting global warming on trial in Colorado0

    • March 22, 2013

    David Schnare, the Director of Environmental Law Center at the American Tradition Institute and lead attorney in a lawsuit (ATI v. Epel) against Colorado’s 30 percent renewable energy mandate said in an interview on the Amy Oliver Show on Thursday that global warming will be put on trial when he argues that the mandate violates

  • Renewable energy mandate unconstitutional0

    • August 10, 2011

    In part two of American Tradition Institute’s video series about its lawsuit against the state of Colorado Director of Environmental Law Center David Schnare explains how Colorado’s renewable energy mandate (30 percent by 2020) violates the commerce clause and therefore is unconstitutional.

  • Colorado's wind energy: neither free nor clean0

    • August 5, 2011

    The American Tradition Institute, where our own Amy Oliver Cooke is a media and investigative fellow, is suing the state of Colorado for its renewable energy mandate. (Check out Executive Director Paul Chesser’s interview on the Amy Oliver Show) Colorado voters approved a 10 percent renewable energy mandate in 2004. Since then the state legislature

  • Renewable energy mandates unconstitutional?0

    • April 4, 2011

    We know they are costly but are renewable energy mandates such as Colorado’s 30 percent mandate unconstitutional as well? Yes according to the American Tradition Institute, which “filed a complaint in a U.S. district court that contends Colorado’s RES should be declared unconstitutional because they violate the Commerce Clause, which grants only Congress the authority to