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  • Phyllis Schlafly, RIP0

    • September 6, 2016

    I extend my sincere condolences for the death of Phyllis Schlafly to her family and followers. Mrs. Schlafly could rise to greatness. Her book, A Choice Not An Echo, became a standard of the conservative movement. Her successful campaign against the poorly drafted “Equal Rights Amendment” was a classic instance of how a single individual

  • Statement by Rob Natelson on the “Compact for America’s” Latest Attack0

    • August 22, 2016

    The authors affiliated with the Compact for America (CFA) would have us believe that states may use their ordinary law-making power to reduce the Constitution’s extended five-step amendment procedure to two steps, and that the courts will meekly acquiesce. Common sense tells us that the courts are unlikely to do so. The conclusion of common

  • The 37th “Convention of States” Discovered!0

    • August 21, 2016

    Recently a professor teaching constitutional law at a prestigious university wrote in one of the nation’s top newspapers that we should oppose an Article V convention of states in part because the 1787 Constitutional Convention is “the only precedent we have.” As occurs too often among law professors, he obviously had not researched the subject