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  • State Lawmakers! Don’t Put Extraneous Matter in Your Article V Application

    State Lawmakers! Don’t Put Extraneous Matter in Your Article V Application0

    • January 20, 2017

    by Robert G. Natelson State lawmakers sponsoring an Article V convention application often find that other lawmakers want to add extraneous matter to the application. This may include conditions beyond the mere subject-matter, instructions to commissioners, specific amendment language, convention rules, and pronouncements of various kinds. Don’t agree! Adding such material is both unprofessional and

  • Constitutional Convention: John Jay Letter Shows Its Power Came from State Legislatures, not Congress

    Constitutional Convention: John Jay Letter Shows Its Power Came from State Legislatures, not Congress0

    • January 14, 2017

    A persistent constitutional myth has it that (1) Congress called the Constitutional Convention under the Articles of Confederation, (2) the convention drew its power from Congress, and (3) the convention exceeded its power when it recommended a new Constitution rather than merely propose amendments to the Articles. As readers of this website know, however, the

  • Did Congress Approve the Constitution? A Member’s Letter Says “Yes”

    Did Congress Approve the Constitution? A Member’s Letter Says “Yes”0

    • November 28, 2016

    Some people argue the Constitution was adopted illegally. They assert that the Confederation Congress needed to approve the document, but never did. But principles of law tell us that they are wrong. So does a rarely-mentioned letter from a member of the Confederation Congress. It is true that most (not all) of the resolutions by