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  • The Impending “Convention for Proposing Amendments” — Part III0

    • December 23, 2015

    Note: This series of six articles originally appeared in the Washington Post’s “Volokh Conspiracy,” a leading constitutional law website. Parts I and II appear below this post, and Parts IV-VI will be posted in the near future. How the States Have Used Article V and How They Have Continued to Meet in Convention During the

  • The Impending "Convention for Proposing Amendments" — Part II0

    • December 18, 2015

    Note: This series of six articles originally appeared in the Washington Post’s “Volokh Conspiracy,” a leading constitutional law website. Part I appears below, and Parts III-VI will be posted in the coming weeks. How Article V was Drafted and Ratified  The commissioners who met in Philadelphia to propose a plan to render the American

  • The Impending “Convention for Proposing Amendments” — Part II0

    • December 18, 2015

    Note: This series of six articles originally appeared in the Washington Post’s “Volokh Conspiracy,” a leading constitutional law website. Part I appears below, and Parts III-VI will be posted in the coming weeks. How Article V was Drafted and Ratified The commissioners who met in Philadelphia to propose a plan to render the American political