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  • The Cat is Out of the Bag

    The Cat is Out of the Bag0

    • February 26, 2018

    Finally the union compliments us! We’ve been waiting for them to protest us outside our Freedom Embassy since we moved in 5 years ago. What took them so long? Well, they’re on union time of course. In any event, we welcomed them with coffee and donuts. This morning, the AFL-CIO of Colorado and their affiliates

  • Independence Institute at the “Stop the EPA Power Grab” Rally0

    • August 6, 2014

    More than 400 people turned out last week for the “Stop the EPA Power Grab” rally for affordable energy just across Lincoln Avenue from the west steps of the Capitol. Coal miners, their families, representatives of more than 20 allied mining and natural resource groups, union members, business leaders, and affordable energy activists from Colorado

  • Independence Institute at the "Stop the EPA Power Grab" Rally0

    • August 6, 2014

    More than 400 people turned out last week for the “Stop the EPA Power Grab” rally for affordable energy just across Lincoln Avenue from the west steps of the Capitol. Coal miners, their families, representatives of more than 20 allied mining and natural resource groups, union members, business leaders, and affordable energy activists from Colorado