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Navigating health care bill’s small business tax credit

Do you own a small business, or are you involved in its benefits administration?  The new health control bill (HR 3590) has a small business tax credit. But you get it if you satisfy certain criteria, which are a bit complicated to follow.  Representative Dave Camp (R-Mich) of the House Ways and Means Committee has put together a flow chart (pdf detailing how it works. It’s a fine illustration of how authoritarian politicians use legislation to control people’s behavior, as if they were puppets or pawns.

The above chart is from Connie Hair at Human Events, who quotes Dave Camp:

“The health care law is going to drive up premiums even further and, as this chart shows, it forces small business to work through an exceedingly complex set of calculations just to find out they may not be eligible to receive any help at all,” said Rep. Dave Camp (R-Mich.), top Republican on the House Ways and Means Committee.  “No wonder the nation’s leading small business organization is suing to overturn the law.  We need to repeal this law and replace it with health care reforms that lower costs for small businesses, families and taxpayers.”

(via Linda Gorman.)